A series of works and a poem inspired by the magic of The Cottingley Fairies photographs, the ephemeral nature of other worlds, folklore, and mythology.
Created from a series of photograms made using wildflowers. The watercolour wash found in each photo harks back to the hand-colouring of monochrome photography of the late-19th century. And the black stitches, reminiscent of the dance of marks created by the insects of the night.

moonlit flora,
a magical world awakes
in a land which they create
and behind the garden gate
a secret space awaits
the darkness once full of fright,
now blooms bright in moonlight
inviting us, come and play
in a land we cannot stay
witches and fairies know this place
they come and go without a trace
to tell their tale and shine their light
on this bright and magical secret night.